How to become an Advocate

It is the Advocates at the Arizala Foundation that make our foundation unique and gives it the “special sauce” of creating a community of caring individuals. In becoming an Advocate, you also are taking the time out of your busy life to care enough about and believe in someone enough that you are willing to write a grant request on their behalf. There is nothing like the power of knowing someone believes in you.

We are currently requiring the following from our Advocates:

1)   Advocate is someone who knows someone else through personal or professional means and sees a need for that person or their family. The need is typically an immediate monetary need that would help someone get to a different place in their life and help them “bridge the gap”.

2)   The Advocate must have some direct, personal, or professional link to the Foundation or one of the Foundation’s team members

3)   Current Advocates can nominate other people in their lives to become an Advocate and that is a direct link to the Foundation

4)   If you would like to become an Advocate but you do not have a direct link to one of us at the Foundation then please fill out the Advocate application below and we will be in contact with you. This is likely to be somewhat more like an interview to become an Advocate.

 The Advocate then fills out the web-based pre-application form and briefly explain the circumstances of the situation and then why they think a grant for a recipient would be beneficial. The Advocate should fully believe in the potential of the recipient that they are advocating for.

We are also hoping to create a process where Advocates are given the opportunity to then choose or nominate other Advocates in their lives to keep the movement of giving moving forward. We hope this creates a community of giving, of caring, and of working together to try and make the world a better place.


Identify A Need

It all begins with knowing someone or working with someone who has a clear obstacle in front of them in order to move forward in their life. Typically, this obstacle comes in the form of a need for monetary funds.  For example, this could be school tuition for a quarter, a career opportunity, help to pay a medical bill or the need for a medical procedure. This could be a legal bill or help in securing safe and stable housing. This could be help getting new clothes for an upcoming job interview. This could be for a car repair or resources for consistent transportation. This should be something where other agencies or states do not typically have the resources to immediately provide assistance.


Tell Us How We Can Help

The Advocate fills out the web-based pre-application (link below) to tell the potential recipient’s story and why help is needed.


Make Change

The Advocate is a very significant part of this process. They are our links to people who may need some immediate help or resources and they help create a community of giving and a way to think about how to help others in even the smallest ways. The Arizala Foundation, their Advocates, and the recipients are all part of a beautiful web where we are all trying to make lives around us just a little better, brighter and hopefully more just.


Please read this entire page carefully and if you would like to become an Advocate please click one of the following options: